Regulations for the use of this website

For reasons of convenience, the regulations use the masculine language, but everything that is said in it refers to both women and men.

1. General

1.1 The terms of use below apply to the use of the website or any other website established/to be established by cute coloring pages, alone or together with others, which does not have specific regulations (hereinafter: “the website”). For the avoidance of doubt, the term “the website” refers to the website in all its parts and the content of the website of any kind, including all the information and content contained on the website, whether it is visible to users or not. Also, the term “the site” will also refer to parts of the site that are accessed through other addresses and similar domain names.

1.2 The use of the website indicates your agreement to the terms of use, in their entirety and in their entirety, and constitutes consent in behavior to the terms of use. The user is asked to read the terms of use carefully.

1.3 The website is managed and operated by Shafi Hamodim Benin, a company for investments in development and construction Ltd. and by subsidiaries and related partnerships (hereinafter, collectively: “Shafi Hamodim Coloring Pages”).

1.4 Access to the website and its use, including the contents contained therein and the various services that operate on it, are subject to the conditions detailed below (hereinafter: “Terms of Use”) which regulate the relationship between cute coloring pages and every surfer, viewer, user of the website or the information contained therein and / or receives information and / or service advertised on the site, directly or indirectly (hereinafter: “the user” or “the users”).

1.5 The terms of use apply to the use of the website and its contents using any computer or other communication device (such as a cell phone, smartphone, tablet, etc.). Also, the terms of use apply to the use of the website either through the Internet or through any network or other means of communication.

1.6 In the terms of use, the terms “information” or “content” or “contents” include information of any kind and type, including any verbal, visual, audio, light, sound (audio visual) content or any combination thereof, as well as their design, processing, editing, distribution and way of presentation of the contents including (but not limited to): picture, photograph, illustration, animation, diagram, visualization, video, sound file as well as any object, software, file, computer code, application, format, protocol, electronic form, database and interface and every character, symbol and icon.

1.7 Any reference to a part of the site refers to any specific part of the site’s content, including any page on the site or part of a page, or any object, feature, option, application or other part of the site, as it will be from time to time.

1.8 In these terms of use, “computer” – including any device or means that allows access to content via the Internet, such as: a smart phone (“smartphone”), a tablet computer, etc.

1.9 The terms of use of the site are worded in the masculine language for convenience purposes only, and they refer to both women and men.

2. The content on the website and the information presented on it

2.1 The website as a whole, including all the information that appears on it and the software that underlies it, are offered to users as they are (AS IS).

2.2 Cute coloring pages makes efforts so that the information contained on the website is accurate and up-to-date, however, certain contents may be incomplete and/or technical and other errors may have occurred in certain contents, including software components. Cute coloring pages will not be held responsible for damage, expense and/or loss caused to users due to errors and/or inaccuracies in the aforementioned information.

2.3 The user knows and agrees that access to parts of the website may be conditioned and/or affected by the installation of hardware and software components on his computer, including certain browsers and add-ons for those browsers. The user is responsible for finding out and installing any software component that will be required for the use of the site, at his own expense and responsibility. Cute Coloring Pages is not responsible for these software components and any defect in them, and for any error or inconsistency in the presentation of the content resulting from the software components, their installation or non-installation. Without detracting from the generality of the above, access to the website and contents and their presentation may vary depending on the features of the hardware, operating system and software on the user’s computer and their settings. Cute coloring pages does not guarantee that the contents will be displayed in a complete and/or identical and/or normal form on different computers.

2.4 Cute Coloring Pages clarifies that the information presented on the website does not constitute a recommendation, opinion, consultation and/or offer to purchase a product and/or unit in any project or to provide a service and any reliance on the information presented on the website is the sole responsibility of the user and Cute Coloring Pages will not be held responsible as a result from the user’s reliance on the information and/or the extent to which the information is suitable for the user’s use and/or needs. Cute Coloring Pages has no responsibility for certain content originating from third parties and Cute Coloring Pages does not guarantee the accuracy of this content.

2.5 The transmission of information to or from the website does not create any legal relationship between the user and cute coloring pages, with the exception of the user’s legal obligations as specified in these regulations. The rights of the parties are those specified in these terms of use, and the website or the aforementioned broadcast is not used to confer any additional rights.

2.6 To the extent that prices of units, properties or services are displayed on the website, the prices displayed on the website are minimum prices (“starting from”) for that type of unit, property or service, and do not necessarily include any add-on, accessory, or supplementary service, which may be related to them . Cute coloring pages reserves the right to update or correct the prices.

2.7 To the extent that plans of residential projects, units in the projects, specifications, photos of the units and the projects and/or their simulations are displayed on the website – these are displayed on the website for illustrative purposes only, they are not necessarily the same as the mandatory plans and the user cannot rely on them. It is clarified that only the plans attached to the agreement signed by cute coloring pages bind the parties to said agreement. It is further clarified that additions, accessories, furniture, or additions to products, assets or services, shown in the picture, simulation or plans, are presented for the purpose of illustration and demonstration only and do not form part of the product, asset or service or its specification. Only the specifications included in the agreement signed by me

Cute coloring pages will bind the parties to the aforementioned agreement.

2.8 If a discrepancy and/or contradiction is discovered between the content on the website and information contained in the official documents of Hamud Coloring Pages at its offices – the information contained in the official documents at the offices of Hamud Coloring Pages or in the sales agreement between the parties, as far as it exists, will be considered correct.

2.9 Cute Coloring Pages may limit access to the website or parts of it to different types of users and/or to its customers and/or to some of them and/or condition access to them to users who register on the website or confirm their agreement to certain special conditions.

3. Copyright

3.1 The website as a whole and the information that appears on it, including its content (and without detracting from the generality of the above – also its design, its software applications, the names and trademarks and any other detail that appears on it or is embodied in it), are the exclusive property of cute coloring pages or of third parties who have given permission to coloring pages They are cute to use and they are protected by the law, including the laws of the State of Israel, international conventions and the laws of foreign countries. Without detracting from the generality of the above, the rights in any trademark of Cute Coloring Pages will be relinquished to its exclusive ownership and the users are not allowed to make any use of it.

3.2 The user undertakes to act in accordance with the aforementioned laws and treaties and is prohibited from causing any change or manipulation of the information, copying, publishing, distributing, broadcasting, presenting, performing, reproducing, issuing a license, creating derivative works or selling or renting any part of the information contained on the website and/or make use of the names and trademarks displayed on the site, without the prior written consent of Cute Coloring Pages.

4. Links to other websites (Links)

The website may contain links to websites that are not operated by Cute Coloring Pages (hereinafter: “Links”). The links are displayed for the user’s convenience only and cute coloring pages has no control over these sites and is not responsible for the content that appears on them. The inclusion of links on the site does not indicate support for the content presented on these sites or any other connection to these sites or their operators. Cute coloring pages does not guarantee the correctness of the links or that these links are directed to the sites to which each electronic pointer claims to be linked. Cute Coloring Pages may, at its sole discretion, remove any link from the site and/or add additional links.

5. Subject to the privacy policy

Cute coloring pages attaches great importance to maintaining the privacy of the website’s users. The privacy policy of cute coloring pages is detailed on this website and is an integral part of these terms of use. Since the privacy policy can change from time to time, the user is advised to return and read the policy document from time to time. The use of the site also constitutes consent to the privacy policy.

6. Duties of the user

6.1 The user undertakes not to perform actions on the site that may limit or prevent others from using the site, and not to use the site in a manner that is inconsistent with any law, including any change or deletion of information or content.

6.2 The user undertakes not to perform an action that constitutes forgery, impersonation, deception or fraud.

6.3 The user undertakes not to upload, retrieve, transmit, distribute or publish information or other content that includes advertising of any kind, without express permission in advance from cute coloring pages.

6.4 The user undertakes not to make any commercial use of the information and content on the website, or any part thereof.

6.5 The user undertakes to indemnify and compensate Cute Coloring Pages immediately upon demand for any damage, direct or indirect, and/or any expense incurred by Cute Coloring Pages in connection with a claim and/or demand arising from use of the website, including any action contrary to these terms of use or the provisions of any law, including For any infringing content that the user publishes on the website.

6.6 The user agrees that, without prejudice to any other right of Cute Coloring Pages, in cases where Cute Coloring Pages fears that the user’s use does not comply with the instructions of the terms of use and/or any law, Cute Coloring Pages may take any action it deems appropriate to take in order to To protect its ownership and/or its rights and the rights of other users and, among other things, prevent the user from accessing the website and document and/or track the user’s use of the website. It is also clarified that Cute Coloring Pages may transfer details about the user’s identity and about actions performed on the site to third parties, including in the event that the third parties prove, in Cute Coloring Pages’ opinion, that they are victims of the infringing activity of

the user.

6.7 To the extent that the user has received a password or access code or authorization for the purpose of using the website or any part of it, he undertakes not to reveal the password or access code to any other person and not to allow any other person to use them or the authorization. The user will be responsible for any use made using his password, access code or authorization.

7. Publication of content on the website by users

7.1 Content originating from website users is published on the website. These contents are published in the parts of the site designated for this, such as communities, discussion groups (forums) and comments (talk-backs).

7.2 Cute Coloring Pages encourages freedom of speech and the existence of a fruitful discussion on the site, with active participation of the users. At the same time, in order to enable the existence of a cultural and factual discourse and to prevent abuse of the possibilities open to users to express themselves on the site, Cute Coloring Pages is entitled to check these contents before they are published on the site and even after they are published. Such checks will be made to try to prevent the publication of obscenities, threats, expressions of rudeness, defamation as well as content that is illegal on its face and/or inconsistent with the terms of use or with the nature and goals of the website. In these tests, cute coloring pages may exercise discretion, which is not necessarily legal.

7.3 The contents are not published on behalf of cute coloring pages and they do not express the position of cute coloring pages or its opinion, and there is no guarantee of their validity, reliability, accuracy or legality in their publication. Therefore, Cute Coloring Pages bears no responsibility for content uploaded by users and is not responsible for their reliability, trustworthiness, accuracy or completeness and is not responsible for any result that may result from their use or reliance on them. The sole responsibility for such contents and any result arising from them applies to the user who submitted them for publication.

7.4 The users of the website are asked to treat with care and criticism the contents that are published on the Internet, including the contents that are published by other users of the website. The user of the website must remember that the information presented on the website is not a substitute for consultation with appropriate professionals where such consultation is required.

7.5 When sending or delivering content for publication on the website, the user bears full and exclusive responsibility for any result that may result from the publication. The user must ensure that these contents are legal. Among other things and for the sake of example only, a user is prohibited from publishing the following content on the website (hereinafter: “infringing content”):

• Any content known to the user to be false, misleading or falsified or may mislead other people;

• Any content that may encourage, persuade, stimulate or assist another to commit an act prohibited by legislation;

• Any content that is defamatory of any person, or that harms his privacy, good name or commercial secrets;

• any content of a harassing, insulting, hostile, threatening or rude nature or content;

• Any pornographic or sexual content;

• Any content that concerns minors and identifies them, their personal details or their identity and ways of communicating with them;

• Any content that personally identifies other people, without their consent to the publication of their identity;

• Any content that contains, or encourages racism, or improper discrimination based on race, origin, skin color, sect, nationality, religion, sex, occupation, sexual orientation, disease, physical or mental disability, belief, political opinion, or status social economic;

• Any content that infringes or violates the proprietary rights of others – including copyrights and trademarks;

• Marketing or advertising content on behalf of the user intended to promote his affairs or on his behalf;

• Any computer software, computer code or application that includes a computer virus (“virus”), spyware, etc., including hostile features known as Trojan horses, worms, vandals, malicious applications, Adware etc.;

• Passwords, usernames and other details, which allow the use of computer software, digital files, websites or services that require registration or payment, without payment or registration;

• Any content of a commercial advertising nature, which has not been given express permission in advance of cute coloring pages for its publication;

• Any content to which access is blocked (using a password, etc.) or which is not free to all internet users or which requires payment or registration.

• Any content that may establish legal liability and/or a basis for a claim or civil liability against the advertiser and/or any other person;

• Any content that is contrary to the accepted rules of use on the Internet or that may cause damage or harm to Internet users in general and website users in particular;

• Any material that damages or may damage cute coloring pages.

7.6 Cute Coloring Pages may refuse to publish, or immediately delete any content submitted by a user for publication, whenever it finds – either on its own initiative or at the request of another person – that the content is infringing content or may harm the services provided by Cute Coloring Pages, its users, Cute Coloring Pages Either on her behalf or because the content does not match the nature of the site and its goals, all in accordance with the sole discretion of cute coloring pages. These instructions add to cute coloring pages rights under any law. Cute Coloring Pages is also entitled to remove any such infringing content and/or block access to it. It is clarified that Cute Coloring Pages does not have to take any active action for the purpose of locating and/or filtering infringing material.

7.7 The user grants cute coloring pages a non-exclusive right to use, free of charge and unlimited in time, any content that the user has chosen to upload to the website, and he waives any claim or claim against cute coloring pages and any financial or other right to it, for any use you make of the content he uploaded to the website.

8. Special conditions for customers of cute coloring pages  registered for use in designated sections of the website

8.1 It is possible that the website includes and/or will include in the future dedicated parts and/or features, intended for the use of customers of cute coloring pages, who have purchased a housing unit from it, and which will allow such customers relevant information and/or features, subject to the sole discretion of cute coloring pages ( Hereinafter: “Customer Site”).

8.2 To the extent that said customers sign terms of use and/or agreements or additional documents in connection with the use of the customers’ website (whatever their name or title), the provisions of these terms of use will apply in addition to any other terms, agreement or document as mentioned, and they shall refer to said documents and terms of use These complement each other.

9. Limitation of liability

9.1 The use of the website is done at the sole responsibility of the user. Cute coloring pages does not bear any responsibility or liability for any disruption, error or omission in the content of the site. Cute coloring pages will not be responsible for any direct, indirect, consequential or incidental damage due to access to and use of the website or due to any prevention of access or use of the website, whether contractual or tortious. Cute Coloring Pages is not responsible for any damage including due to a computer virus (“virus”), hostile features known as a Trojan horse, worms, vandals, malicious applications, spies or software applications of any kind to the user’s computer equipment or to any other property of the user, caused by surfing

or use of the site and including, due to the download of the information of the locator.

9.2 The user is aware that no cute coloring pages can monitor any information and message uploaded, if uploaded and displayed on the site, by other users, and it is not responsible for any publication by such third parties.

10. Miscellaneous instructions

10.1 Cute Coloring Pages may at any time make changes to the website, remove any part of the website and add to it, from time to time, by updating the website, as well as stop and start the activity of the website, refuse to grant access to the website or parts of it to any user and all at the sole discretion of Dafi Cute coloring and without prior notice and the user will not have any claim against cute coloring pages in connection with this. Without detracting from the generality of the above, Cute Coloring Pages is not obligated to save the information and content of the website, whether it originates from Cute Coloring Pages or whether it originates from users or other parties, and it is entitled to delete it.

10.2 If it is determined that any condition of the terms of use is invalid or unenforceable, then the invalidated or unenforceable conditions will be considered as having been replaced by valid and enforceable conditions whose content corresponds as closely as possible to the meaning and intent of the original conditions, while the other terms of use will remain in effect.

10.3 Cute Coloring Pages may assign its rights and obligations according to these terms of use, or any part of them, to any third party as it deems appropriate and without any obligation on the part of Cute Coloring Pages to publish the assignment, as mentioned, on the website.

10.4 The user is not allowed to assign, transfer or transfer his rights and obligations according to these terms of use, or any part of them, or any account or authorization that will be given to him for the website or any part of it.

10.5 All activity on the website and everything related to it, including the terms of use, will be subject to Israeli law only and the exclusive jurisdiction in any dispute concerning the website and its use and the terms of use will be subject to the competent courts in the district of Tel Aviv, Israel.

10.6 Cute Coloring Pages reserves the right to make changes to the terms of use at any time, at its discretion, and without prior notice, and any change to the terms of use will come into effect immediately upon its publication on the website, as part of the terms of use, unless otherwise stipulated. It is the user’s responsibility to check and update, from time to time, the terms of use.

10.7 Any question or problem related to the website or its terms of use, as well as any suggestion for improvement or recommendation, should be directed to: [email protected].

10.8 The user’s use of the website constitutes a declaration and confirmation on his behalf that he has read these regulations, understood its content, and agreed to its instructions. The user waives this in advance and will not be allowed to make any claim and/or demand against cute coloring pages or anyone on its behalf in relation to the issues regulated in these regulations.


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